MM  to  Inches Converter

Conversion Guide

Divide millimeters by 25.4 (25.4mm = 1 inch). Example: 25.4mm = 1in

Conversion Settings
This is a standard metric to imperial conversion.

Frequently Asked Questions


What is MM?

Millimeters (mm) are absolute-length units that correspond to physical millimeters, primarily used in print design.

1cm = 10mm25mm × 10mm
How accurate are mm units on screens?
The accuracy of mm units on screens depends on the device's DPI settings and physical characteristics. They're more reliable in print.
When should I use mm?
Use mm in print stylesheets or when designing for international markets that use the metric system.

What is Inches?

Inches (in) are absolute-length units that correspond to physical inches, commonly used in print design and American markets.

1in = 96px1in × 0.4in
How do inches convert to pixels?
At 96 DPI (standard screen resolution), 1 inch equals 96 pixels. However, this varies with screen DPI.
When should I use inches in CSS?
Inches are most appropriate for print stylesheets (@media print) or when designing for markets that use imperial measurements.


How to convert MM to Inches?

To convert MM to Inches, use the following formula:

mm * 3.78 / 96