PX  to  Inches Converter

Conversion Guide

Divide the px value by the screen PPI (pixels per inch). Example: At 96 PPI, 96px / 96 = 1 inch.

Conversion Settings
This conversion assumes a standard screen density of 96 PPI. Actual results may vary based on the device.
Pixels to INCHES Conversion Table (Screen density: 96 PPI)

Frequently Asked Questions


What is PX?

A CSS pixel (px) is a standardized unit of measurement that aims to make elements appear at similar physical sizes across different devices. Unlike physical screen pixels, CSS pixels are an abstraction that automatically scales based on device characteristics and user zoom settings.

CSS Pixels (px)1px2px5px10×10px20×20px50×50px1px = One CSS Pixel Unit(Device Independent)
Are CSS pixels the same as physical screen pixels?
No. On high-DPI (Retina) displays, one CSS pixel may actually use multiple physical screen pixels. For example, on a 2x display, 1 CSS pixel equals 4 physical pixels (2x2).
When should I use pixels vs relative units?
Use pixels for precise visual elements that should maintain their exact appearance, like borders (1px), box shadows, and small decorative details. For layout and typography, prefer relative units (rem, em, %) to ensure better accessibility and responsive design.
Do pixel-based layouts work well on mobile?
Fixed pixel layouts often break on mobile devices due to varying screen sizes. It's better to use relative units for layouts to ensure your design adapts smoothly across devices.
What happens to pixel values when users zoom?
CSS pixels scale proportionally when users zoom. If a user zooms to 200%, a 16px font becomes equivalent to 32px, ensuring content remains readable.
Do pixels affect accessibility?
Yes. Using fixed pixel values for text and layout can prevent proper scaling when users change their browser's font size settings. This creates accessibility issues for users who need larger text.

What is Inches?

Inches (in) are absolute-length units that correspond to physical inches, commonly used in print design and American markets.

1in = 96px1in × 0.4in
How do inches convert to pixels?
At 96 DPI (standard screen resolution), 1 inch equals 96 pixels. However, this varies with screen DPI.
When should I use inches in CSS?
Inches are most appropriate for print stylesheets (@media print) or when designing for markets that use imperial measurements.


How to convert PX to Inches?

To convert PX to Inches, use the following formula:

px / 96